"A missionary is someone who leaves their family for a few years so others can be with their families for eternity"

Monday, November 5, 2012

yeah pancakes!


squished in the car

its a good thing there are no laws here 

heading to the river to wash the clothes...these people are so humble, its amazing how you can even see it in the picture. 

the kids! 

they are everywhere! haha 

sebastian, grandson of Hna goldie hahahah this was too funny

i love my comp!! 

La iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de los Ulitmos Dias 

hna martha. 

hno angel! on the right. 

such a great baptism!! 

hno angel

such a special man. 

i decided to stop shaving since no one here does anyways....

haha actually if you cant tell thats where we wash our clothes

getting my hair washed at the salon. 


watching the RM today haha 

RM! with pancakes!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Ok that mustache is frightening! And who knew you would get to go to the salon for a spa day in Honduras.
